
Zombie night terror fast and ravenous
Zombie night terror fast and ravenous

Certainly the Dawn undead perfected the "zombie shuffle," that unique shambling gait that only a ghoul can quite pull off.Ĭelebrity Zombies First Appearance: Dawn of the Dead (2004) The Look: When 300 and Watchmen helmer Zack Snyder brought his unique visual style to the land of the undead, it made many fans wonder what was ever so scary about slow zombies. The things take on a sort of blue color at times in the film, though whether this was by design - a natural result of being zombified? - or the result of Romero's continued lack of budgetary resources is unclear. The legendary make-up maestro Tom Savini created the look of these ghastly gray ghouls. Translating his saga into the world of color, Romero chose to go the opposite extreme of Night and give us a garish, primary-color parade of zombies - with an emphasis on the red hues, of course. And whereas the first film covered the early days of the zombie epidemic, Dawn delved deeper into the increasingly out-of-control apocalypse that the return of the dead to the land of the living had caused.

zombie night terror fast and ravenous

Romero in Living Color First Appearance: Dawn of the Dead (1978) The Look: A decade after the huge success of Night, Romero returned to the zombie fold with another classic - Dawn of the Dead. Click here for The Many Looks of Jason Voorhees.

zombie night terror fast and ravenous

Click here for IGN Movies' Top 10 Friday the 13th Kills. Click here for The Many Looks of Freddy Krueger. Click here for IGN Movies' Top 10 Nightmare on Elm Street Kills. Click here for IGN Movies' Top 10 Saw Kills. Click here for IGN Movies' Top 10 Halloween Kills.

zombie night terror fast and ravenous

So check out our list below, and then be sure - as always - to comment at the bottom of the page and let us know what your favorite zombie look is!Ĭlick here for IGN Movies' Top 10 Zombie Kills. The White Zombie and I Walked with a Zombie pictures of yesteryear are a whole different undead ballgame. And yes, we're using Romero's seminal work as our starting-off point, even as we do so with apologies to the many voodoo-centric zombies that came before. There have been so many zombie rip-offs and permutations over the years, thanks largely to the direct-to-DVD market, that we've chosen to restrain this list only to the undead outings that we deemed - in our expert zombie opinion - to be significant variations on what George Romero started in 1968 with Night of the Living Dead. World War Z even made it fashionable in the literary world to be down with the sickness that is the zombie. Other good films featured on this top fast zombies movies list include State of Emergency, 28 Days Later, and Fast Zombies with Guns.ĭo you have a favorite fast zombie movie? Give the best films a thumbs up and share some of your favorite scenes in the comments section.Certainly there is no better time to be a member of the Walking Dead than now, when the ghoul dominates the media with movies, videogames, comics, and even books.


And not all flicks featuring these speedy monsters are grim – Zombieland is a hilarious project full of super fast zombies. Although zombie aficionado George Romero doesn't believe in the fast undead, the 2004 remake of his Dawn of the Dead features fast moving zombies. This 1985 horror classic is widely believed to be one of the first movies to introduce speedy zombies. What movies will you find on this list of the top fast moving zombies films? Fans of retro gore might vote The Return of the Living Dead to the top. This is a list of the top fast zombie movies featuring everything from I Am Legend to Resident Evil to Dead Snow. The top fast moving zombie movies feature deadly threats and speedy villains.

zombie night terror fast and ravenous

For decades zombies chased after brains at a leisurely pace, but in recent years the undead have started running at breakneck speeds.

Zombie night terror fast and ravenous