I am no longer happy with my WDTV because it simply isn’t working. There are basically 5 possible settings: 7 SMB 1/2/3 enabled (default) 6 SMB 2/3 enabled 4 only SMB 3 enabled 2 only SMB 2 enabled 1 only SMB 1 enabled You need to add. So as you can see, I am having major issues. I UNDERSTAND THERE IS A NETWORK STREAMING ISSUE WITH THAT VERSION, AND I DOWNGRADED BACK TO THE LATEST 1.X FIRMWARE MONTHS AGO. NOTE: I AM NOT USING THE LATEST 2.X FIRMWARE. I have tried restoring to factory settings, rebooting the server, trying to connect with “root/admin” and nothing. I don’t even have a password on the server, and just using “anon” and a blank password would work, but not anymore. Then it randomly booted me and now it says “username or password invalid” and wont let me connect to the server. Open System Preferences -> Sharing Check the box marked ‘File Sharing’ and add any folders you wish to share in the first panel. It wont find my server even though all the other devices on my network find and connect to it perfectly. Initially I added this to individual shares, but it also works in the global section of. SMBUp (current version: 1.4.1) re-instates Samba as a service of your mac and provides a simple interface to manage the service. After some research, I found that you can use the force user configuration option to assign a default user for samba to use when sharing files. Ubuntu supposedly makes it easy to share a folder. Now, for the past couple months, all I have been having is problems. For OS X I’ve used SMBUp to configure the folder sharing. It loaded fast, streaming large files was quick (thanks to my 450mbps router which I had to purchase to actually use the WDTV), it never had any rebooting or connectivity issues. In the beginning I had nothing but luck with it. I bought it a year and a half ago and I have been using my iMac with Ubuntu installed to share folders using Samba to stream my movies/videos/shows to my WDTV.

I may attempt to install Ubuntu again and mess around with Samba and permissions, but for now I will stick with OS X and SMBUp. Download XCode Command Line Tools (in Preferences of. Install XCode 4.3.3 from the App Store 2. Add nolocks,locallocks and your world will be faster and happier after you reboot. I added nolocks,locallocks to my NFS mount options and now the NFS shares work perfectly.
It’s essentially the same thing as using Samba on Ubuntu, except my reason for going back to OS X was in hopes to use their built in file sharing service (but it didn’t work). Steps to install and configure samba3 replacement for Apple Mac OS X Server 10.7.x SMB services. Alternative to smbup pro Alternative to smbup software Alternative to smbup free Im still not sure why there is such a difference between the different machines though. I installed OS X Lion on my iMac and setup a network share with SMBUp.