switching capacity20 A (10 A without cooling, 20 A with additional cooling) Interrupting voltageadjustable approx. The kit comes complete with monitor/isolator unit, warning buzzer and reset/ remote isolator rocker switch. Battery Guard 12V DC Brand: Kemo 10771 Secure transaction Returns Policy See more About this item protects your car battery from total discharge by switching off consumers Max.Ships from and sold by Performance Guarantee.

Embedded magnet strips assure the solar panel is. This item: Newmar Start Guard, 12 Volt 20 Amp.
The advantage is that non essential equipment such as drivers overnight equipment (heaters, Televisions, Laptop computers etc etc) can be powered through this device to prevent them completely discharging the vehicle battery - thus avoiding expensive jump starts and recovery expenses etc. High-quality advanced solar control, designed and built in North America. However if the ignition is off, the Power Protector will automatically disconnect all circuits passed through it after 1 minute from the warning buzzer sounding. If the vehicle's ignition is in the on position, the Power Protector will constantly warn the driver without automatically disconnecting all circuits passed through it, thus ensuring that the driver has time to stop and park his vehicle safely. The Amber Valley Power Protector System constantly monitors the battery voltage and warns the driver if the voltage drops below a predetermined level. D&R PDU-2SS-12 Battery Protector and Saver, 12V Timer, Single Point Power Distribution & Voltage Monitoring System. Amber Valley AVPP12VR 12V Battery Power Protector Cut Off Votronic 3075 Battery Protector 40A 12V Overvoltage protection.